
Here are my notes for the NUS Module CS2040S Data Structures and Algorithms.

Technically speaking, they are not notes, but rather my attempts to explain the contents covered in the class.


I titled this series CS2040S because it is the notes that I wrote while taking the CS2040S. However, I do not by any means represent the teaching team at NUS (I am only a newbie student taking this course), nor do the contents that I wrote represent what was taught in class.

I wrote these notes and published them on my blog because I am a strong believer in the Feymann Method. I do believe that by writing down my understanding of the course content could help me learn better. Hence, the only relevance to the CS2040S course is that I would try to explain the topics covered in the course using my own language. While writing, I would try my best to share with you my thought processes while learning these contents.

It should also be reminded that, because I am a newbie to algorithms and data structures, I cannot guarentee that what I wrote are 100% correct and accurate. If you were to refer to my own blog, please use it at your own discretion. It would be hugely appreciated if you could email me the mistakes if you happen to find some.


Week 02

This week’s lectures discussed the Big-O Notation and Binary Search.

Week 03

This week’s lectures focused on the sorting algorithms.